Hire Our Grads

For years, Goodwill has provided qualified employees to businesses. Through Goodwill, candidates are pre-screened and ready to work, making the process more efficient; additional services may also be available to ensure success once a candidate is hired. Please call 253-573.6500 to learn more and to discuss opportunities in your organization.

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We’ve worked with thousands of employers in placing qualified employees. Here are some of the reasons:

Save money. Initial wages and payroll taxes can sometimes be subsidized for a period of time (depending on the program). Also, employers may be eligible for a Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Save time. Goodwill does all the leg work by pre-screening participants for job readiness. The employer makes the choice from qualified candidates, speeding the hiring process.

Focus on success. Goodwill will efficiently and quickly respond to questions an employer may have about the process, or about an employee.

Improve retention. Goodwill can provide post-employment assistance in the form of job coaching or additional training for some participants. We coordinate these services with the employer to ensure the participant is performing to expectations and succeeding in the workplace.

From opportunities in the food service industry or industrial packaging and assembly, to employment in retail or other business organizations, Goodwill places more than 3,000 people with barriers to employment in meaningful and fulfilling jobs each year throughout the community.